Tag Archives: bonds

Deep Discount Bonds

Last time we discussed bonds and the relation between their prices and interest rates. Today we’re going to look at a special type of bond, which is known as a deep discount bond.

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Bond Price and Interest Rates

When you’re buying bonds, there is one fundamental principle you need to know and understand. The principle is as follows: bond prices and interest rates move in opposite directions.

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It Pays to Diversify

Have you ever heard the saying “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”? Well this saying holds true for your investments. When you invest, it is important to diversify where you put your money. Don’t put all your money in one stock, one industry, or one asset class.

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What’s a T-Bill?

If you’ve ever read or listened to business news, you have probably heard about T-bills. But do you actually know what a T-bill is? This article will look at what T-bills are.

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Stocks vs Bonds

You’ve probably heard people, when talking about investing, mention stocks and bonds. Do you know what each one is and the difference between them? This post will explain what stocks and bonds are (just top line descriptions, we’ll go more in-depth later on). We’ll also explore the differences between the two.

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