Category Archives: General Investing

It Pays to Diversify

Have you ever heard the saying “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”? Well this saying holds true for your investments. When you invest, it is important to diversify where you put your money. Don’t put all your money in one stock, one industry, or one asset class.

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Choosing a Stock Broker

If you wish to trade stocks, you’ll need to get an account with a stock broker. Nowadays, you can find inexpensive online brokerage websites. You may have even seen commercials for them online. Do the names E*trade, Scottrade, or TD Ameritrade ring a bell?

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Stocks vs Bonds

You’ve probably heard people, when talking about investing, mention stocks and bonds. Do you know what each one is and the difference between them? This post will explain what stocks and bonds are (just top line descriptions, we’ll go more in-depth later on). We’ll also explore the differences between the two.

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You Wanna Invest?

So you wanna invest? You want to make money? If you are even considering investing, there are a few things you should look for. Most of these things can be found within yourself. For one or two of them, you might need to look other places (like your bank account or under your mattress, but we’ll get to that).

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